Blog - Page 3

Legal articles in easy to understand language.

Privacy Policy for Personal Websites

A Privacy Policy isn't only necessary for large commercial websites. It's essential for any site that collects users' personal data. This includes blogs, personal brand sites, or online portfolios. In this article, we look at Privacy Policies for personal sites, including when to use one, how to write one, and what...

Terms and Conditions for Influencers

When you're an influencer, it's important to have a Terms and Conditions agreement (T&C) in place for your website. Terms and Conditions (also known as Terms of Use or Terms of Service agreements) are important legal documents that outline the rights and responsibilities of both you and your users. They also...

Privacy Policy for Business and Personal Development Coaches

If you're a business or personal development coach, you'll need to have a Privacy Policy if you collect any personal information from clients or prospective clients. This is because global privacy laws require this. This article will cover when and why business and personal development coaches need a Privacy Policy, and...

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Why You Need a Social Media Policy

Social media has opened up new, highly effective forms of marketing. Your business can derive significant value from endorsements made by social media personalities, bloggers, and affiliate marketers. But this type of marketing is subject to considerable regulatory oversight. Following a spate of recent warnings, the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) is...