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Legal articles in easy to understand language.

New York Privacy Act vs California's Privacy Laws

In the United States, California has long led the way in digital privacy. The California Online Privacy Protection Act (CalOPPA) was the country's first major privacy law, and the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) placed some tough restrictions on the sale of personal data (or "personal information"). Even though the New...

How to Remain GDPR-Compliant After Brexit

UK and EU businesses that share personal data must take appropriate steps to keep their operations running smoothly after Brexit, whether the UK leaves the EU with or without a deal. Continuing GDPR compliance may or may not be top of your Brexit agenda. But processing personal data underpins many of...

Sensitive Personal Data and the GDPR

The EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) deems certain types of personal data particularly sensitive. It calls this sensitive personal data "special category data." There are strict rules about collecting special category data from people in the EU. If you're planning a project involving special category data, you must plan carefully. You...

How to Handle GDPR Subject Access Requests

Receiving a subject access request from one of your users can be a stressful experience. It’s easy to appear unprofessional if you don’t respond appropriately. The UK Information Commissioner’s Office reports annually on the most common type of complaints it receives. Every year, the number one spot goes to complaints about...

Privacy Law Compliance for New Start-Ups

As the law develops, many businesses get caught up in expensive and grueling compliance efforts. Consider the scramble to comply with the GDPR when it passed in May of 2018. Despite the two-year transition period, many people were tearing their hair out right up until the deadline day, trying to jettison...

New York Privacy Act vs GDPR - Which Is Tougher?

Senators in New York proposed a tough new consumer privacy law, the New York Privacy Act (NYPA) (NY State Senate Bill S5642). The NYPA doesn't seem likely to ever come to fruition, but it stands to show the future of privacy laws that states and countries may enact or attempt...