Blog: Disclaimers

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UK Earnings Disclaimers

Earnings Disclaimers - also known as Income Disclaimers - are commonly found on websites and mobile apps that present ways to help people make money or learn business strategies better. These types of websites/apps may offer online classes, educational materials, profit generation methods, and other information and resources that could be...

How to Add a Disclaimer in Blogger (Blogspot)

Disclaimers are statements that inform readers of important things they need to know. For example, an Affiliate Disclaimer lets people know someone may make a commission from clicking a link. An "As Is" Disclaimer lets people know that whatever they're buying is sold in that state. A "Results Not Typical"...

Will Disclaimers for Data Breaches Hold up in Court Under the GDPR?

Data protection law can be a quagmire of clauses, contradictory court precedents and confusing terminology. For a business owner seeking to limit her own liability in the case of a future data breach, the best risk-mitigation strategy is not always clear, especially in light of the GDPR. This article will discuss...

A Designer/Developer's Role in a Client's Online Legal Agreements

Legal liability. It's not the favorite topic of discussion among designers and developers for online businesses, but everyone realizes the weight of those words. When it comes to taking ownership of legal liability, most prefer to pass it along to someone else. With that in mind, could a designer or...

How to Write a Good Mobile App Disclaimer

A custom mobile app doesn't come cheap. As of early 2018, the average app costs $18,000 to $28,000 to develop. If you decide to add a full-time professional US-based app developer to your team, that will cost you on average a little over $100,000 per year. However, considering that nearly 200...

Legal Agreements for Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing is one of the most effective and accessible ways to grow your business. With the voice of several influencers and brands driving your products or services, you can quickly turn a profit from and expand a young business venture. Affiliate marketing leverages influencers to increase your business coverage. The...