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Legal articles in easy to understand language.

Sample Return Policy for Ecommerce Stores

Our Return & Refund Policy template lets you get started with a Return and Refund Policy agreement. This template is free to download and use. According to TrueShip study, over 60% of customers review a Return/Refund Policy before they make a purchasing decision. It's the single most important agreement your e-commerce store...

Where to Add a Privacy Policy on Your Website and Mobile App

Especially for new business owners and startups, drafting legal agreements like a Privacy Policy can be a daunting task. Once the final touches are in place and the Privacy Policy is published, you can breathe a brief sigh of relief, but your work is not quite finished. A legally compliant Privacy...

How Google and LinkedIn Update Their Privacy Policies

The Privacy Policy is a legal statement that specifies what the website operator will and won't do with the personal data collected from its users. Google and LinkedIn are processing huge amounts of personal information from their users. Users of both Google and LinkedIn needed to be informed about any updates that...

4 Ways to Notify Your Users About Cookies

In 2012, the deadline of May 26 was the last date when UK-based websites had to update their Privacy Policies and include a "Cookies Notice" to get informed consent from their users before using any cookie files to store information on their users' computers. BBC reported this on May 26, stating...

Increase AdWords Quality Score with Privacy Policies

A "Privacy Policy" agreement is required by law if you collect personal data, but the agreement might also help you get a better Quality Score with your Google AdWords campaigns. The Quality Score is a measurement of how relevant your ads, keywords, and landing page that links from the ad to...

5 Reasons Why You Need Terms and Conditions

While a Terms and Conditions agreement is recommended to have for your website, it's not required by law to have this agreement. Only Privacy Policies are required by law if you collect personal data from your users: email address, first and last names, shipping address, etc. A Terms and Conditions agreement is...