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Legal articles in easy to understand language.
Legal Policies for Google Tools & Services
These days, it's somewhat difficult to find websites and apps that don't use Google tools and services. While these Google resources are helpful for gaining visibility and sharing your message or brand, they also trigger legal questions. Google places requirements on its developers in order to protect itself from liability. These...
Cookies Notification Messages
If your website uses cookies, you may need to be providing cookies notification messages. These simple pop-up boxes are important for legal compliance. Not only do they let you give users adequate notice that you use cookies, but you can use them to get consent from users to place these cookies...
Does Copying or Adapting Another's Terms & Conditions Violate Copyright Law?
A Terms & Conditions agreement (T&C) defines rights, duties, and responsibilities between you and your users. It sets up expectations and allows you to enforce terms regarding payment, restricted content, and copyright violations. The T&C also addresses liability which can be different across industries. However, T&C agreements are often complex with...
Are Disclaimers Legally Binding?
There is some dispute over whether disclaimers are legally binding. Much of this arises from the way they are presented. Disclaimers are often not treated like contracts or legal agreements which makes them more difficult to enforce if you face legal issues. You can improve this situation by treating your Disclaimers...
GDPR Privacy Policy
One of the most important concepts in the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is transparency. Individuals own their personal data. As a company that's involved in processing that personal data, you must disclose everything that you do with it. This is why having a Privacy Policy is so important....
Clickwrap in the EU
As more privacy laws require affirmative consent from users, clickwrap becomes more and more essential. Unlike the passive acceptance long advanced by browsewrap, clickwrap provides certainty when it comes to ensuring users accept your online terms. This is especially true if your company operates within the EU. You risk substantial fines...