Blog - Page 58
Legal articles in easy to understand language.
Clauses for subscription plans for SaaS apps
When you create a SaaS product, it's very likely that you'll set up multiple levels of subscription plans, such as a free version, a professional version, and a premium version. Customers will likely want to upgrade or downgrade between subscription levels, so it's important to cover this clearly in your Terms...
Examples of User Agreements
There are many different types of agreements that are associated with a website or mobile apps, such as Privacy Policies, Terms and Conditions agreements, or EULA agreements. These are important agreements, and each can also be called User Agreements. Definition of User Agreement The term "User Agreement" refers to any agreement that's...
SaaS, who owns the content of your users?
When you create a SaaS product, user-generated content is one of the most common ways to build and grow a community within that app. But if that content is created by users rather than you, who owns it? In intellectual property law, copyright is automatically granted to an original work. This...
Privacy Policy for email newsletters
Once your website or mobile app starts to gain users, you're going to want to be able to communicate quickly and easily with your users. A common way to send email communications to users is by using an email newsletter service, such as MailChimp, Aweber, Campaign Monitor, and so on. However, when...
Disclaimer for Amazon Associates
If you are a business owner or blogger who is using or planning on using Amazon Associates, you may be wondering if you need a disclaimer or a disclosure informing users about your use of Amazon Associates or if you need other legal agreements as well. This article will help you...
Examples of EULAs for Mobile Apps
The End-User Licensing Agreement, commonly named EULA, is a crucially important part of any mobile app. It's the contract that works between the user of the mobile app and the provider of the app (software developer) to distribute a license to the user of the app. Some of the most important clauses...